Managing Sweet Corn Caterpillars
Our guests are Celeste Welty, from OSU, and Laura Ingwell, from Purdue. Today, we will be chewing the cob about wormageddon in sweet corn.
We spent some time on trapping. Nothing beats the data collected from your own trap in your own field. But, there are a number of efforts to collect trapping data in a way grower's can reference. Here are a few in our region.
Great Lakes and Maritimes Pest Monitoring Network 2020. This is an international trapping effort focused mainly on Western Bean Cutworm and True Armyworm.
Purdue Corn Earworm Trapping Network. This brings you to the Purdue webpage about corn earworm, with a spreadsheet embedded at the bottom of the page with trap data from 6 sites.
The Ohio State University Pest Trap Reports. There are 10 other pests that are trapped and logged here. Each link will open a Google Sheet with trap data.