Hold onto your oomycetes!

Hold onto your oomycetes, folks! This week Mary Hausbeck joins us from Michigan State University to talk about a group of pathogens called oomycetes, also known as water molds. These include downy mildews on foliage, and the complex of Phytophthora, and Pythium rots on roots and fruits. What makes them different and more challenging than regular ol' fungus and bacteria? With loads of experience and research on these pathogens, Mary will have you saying "ooooo!-mycetes" and "oh!-mycetes" instead of the profanity you might otherwise use.Keep up with Mary at veggies.msu.edu. 

Hold onto your oomycetes, folks! This week Mary Hausbeck joins us from Michigan State University to talk about a group of pathogens called oomycetes, also known as water molds. These include downy mildews on foliage, and the complex of Phytophthora, and Pythium rots on roots and fruits. What makes them different and more challenging than regular ol' fungus and bacteria? With loads of experience and research on these pathogens, Mary will have you saying "ooooo!-mycetes" and "oh!-mycetes" instead of the profanity you might otherwise use.

Keep up with Mary at veggies.msu.edu

Hold onto your oomycetes!
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