Getting Elemental with Boron

Our guests are Carl Rosen, from the University of Minnesota, and Dan Egel, from Purdue. Carl's research and outreach program is concerned with plant nutrition and nutrient management with particular emphasis on commercial vegetable and fruit crop production. Dan focuses on disease control in vegetable crops. We spoke to them today about what Boron does for plants, and what uses are advisable. Preventing disease? Killing weeds? Ensuring proper nutrition? Foliar or soil-applied?

Our guests are Carl Rosen, from the University of Minnesota, and Dan Egel, from Purdue. Carl's research and outreach program is concerned with plant nutrition and nutrient management with particular emphasis on commercial vegetable and fruit crop production. Dan focuses on disease control in vegetable crops. We spoke to them today about what Boron does for plants, and what uses are advisable. Preventing disease? Killing weeds? Ensuring proper nutrition? Foliar or soil-applied?

Getting Elemental with Boron
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