From Cradle to Crate: Bacterial Diseases of Tomato

Ben Werling interviewed Cheryl Trueman, who works with Ontario tomato growers at the University of Guelph. Flex your epidemiology muscles-on a non-Covid subject-as we chat about bacterial diseases of tomatoes-how they spread, and what you can do to slow them down. Do tomato plants need to mask up?Cheryl has an article that summarizes much of what we talked about today.

Ben Werling interviewed Cheryl Trueman, who works with Ontario tomato growers at the University of Guelph. Flex your epidemiology muscles-on a non-Covid subject-as we chat about bacterial diseases of tomatoes-how they spread, and what you can do to slow them down. Do tomato plants need to mask up?

Cheryl has an article that summarizes much of what we talked about today.

From Cradle to Crate: Bacterial Diseases of Tomato
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